Saturday, June 25, 2011


Calm In The Storm

 by Eden Sky

It is said
The Ancient Hawaiians
had a prophecy
that there would come
a time on the planet
when there would be so much chaos
it would require many to emerge

as Agents of Calm

It feels these times have arrived…The Storm of Changes is intensifying…

Nothing is being left untouched by the fierce cleansing forces shuddering through the universe, penetrating, exposing, destroying, shattering, opening, liberating us into deeper orders of Chaos.

From scorching Solar Flares, to erupting Earth disasters, to raging social turmoil and personal emotional explosivity, the tempest of Prophecy rolls on, anointing our days with its thunderous Mystery.


On The Way By Robert ShawThe swirling waves of this Great Purification are churning us all… Death is inside every moment, asking to meet us that we can finally accept impermanence as the ground of birth; accepting instability and unknown as our only stable ground, that we may Rise and greet Life with a new gratitude.

In these times of great upheaval and unfolding, the ripples of misery, fear, despair, and powerlessness pool together with our trust, celebration, divine conviction, levity and courage. In this planetary moment, terror and miracles breathe side by side, paving the spiraling path.

Knowing these times are volatile, we need to be more accountable than ever to the fact that our personal emotional and psychic energies are feeding into the collective, right here and now. Whether we are alone, or speaking to a group of millions on TV, each of us is pulsing our intentions and vibrations into the web of life. Nothing is insignificant; nothing goes unseen by our own heart’s conscience.

Some of us who are very empathic may be inclined to feel the “suffering of the world,” especially as it amplifies our own inner unresolved wounds, presenting us with archetypal struggles and the psychic tension of existence. As fearful anxiety escalates in the collective field, and the trauma of the world’s soul surmounts, we must be alert to our responsibilities to help positively influence our collective vibration. While there are countless ways to help physically, let us not overlook the energetic influences we have on all our relations.

We must do the work of transforming grief into joy, and stress into calm, by learning how to authentically process these times and align with our heart centers.

We will never be immune to the pains inherent in life, but through disciplined training of our minds, we can protect ourselves from accumulating extra layers of unnecessary suffering. (Some helpful teachings in this regard include the work of Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie.)

For those of us privileged to be living in situations where all of our basic needs are met, we especially need to be alert and notice that as soon as we are warm, clothed, housed and fed, we move on to fabricating immense psychological problems to obsess on and identify with. While we may not be able to change all the physical circumstances of our lives, our power is always in how we perceive and respond to them. Attitude is everything. The times have never been so ripe for spiritual training and education of how to truly live as healthily as possible. Invest in your life; invest time in communing with your heart, cleansing your perceptions and nourishing your body; invest in your vibrational emanation!

Our opportunity is to meet the intensity arising in the planetary field, and channel and release the energies through whatever healthy avenues we can discover – whether catharsis, conscious breathing, dance, movement, art, expression, ritual, prayers, meditation, processing, etc. By offering our human vessels as mediums for the soul renewal brought by these sacred universal trials, we uplift the whole, helping transmute and liberate the pain and pressure into presence and knowing. Our contribution adds directly to the overall vibration incarnating upon the planetary scene. We are artists here collaborating in this dimension. Or perhaps we are merely the brush through which the great art moves. Our motives and actions affect and touch Totality.

As we are all connected, those of us who are aware of the precious calling of planetary service must take our places in attuning to the One Heart.

In the faces of life’s extremes, if we can let the recognition of universal suffering crack our hearts open, then we can access true compassion. As the emergencies are screaming into the abyss, we can feel them when we attune to the One Heart. Can the destruction and pain we encounter remind us of the glory of our interdependence? Can we remember how privileged we are to be able to feel the tender suffering of human sentience? As we allow the heart breaking realities taking place in this moment to dissolve our illusory separation, we receive the blessing brought by the pain; by being present with the pain we receive its empowerment as it ripens our compassion.


Alchemy of Joy by Mara Berendt Friedman

So knowing that our authentic work spans the wholeness of embracing the dark and the light, let us give ourselves license to pour positive, healing, ecstatic, blissful rainbow splendor into the collective cauldron, sweetening the flavor of our shared soup.

We must not be discouraged by the intensity of these times, for they are accelerated on purpose. As we understand we are in a process of an old world paradigm dying and coming apart at the seams, we can have patience and courage, knowing we are here to help anchor the new! As we hold the highest vision for the transformation of our world, rooting to our clearest intentions, let us release expectations of how things are supposed to appear, surrendering to the larger unfolding.

This moment in the collective dream is steeped in mystery. This mystery has a heartbeat that lives within us. Let it be known that we are here to manifest the new culture that is based on conscious, harmonious interdependence. This is the fulfillment this prophecy is inviting of us!


Artwork by Narada Das - Firebird

In this pivotal moment, let us learn how to truly be a friend to our own self, nurturing the flowering of our own soul’s beauty and mission. Let’s drop the veils and claim our staff of self-worth. Let’s stop fighting ourselves and receive the chalice our own majesty. Let’s feed the unique divine spark that dances its lightning through us. Let’s wield our gifts with true gratitude for the abundance we have to share. Let’s rejoice for each other’s beauty. Let’s smile for no reason. Let’s smile because it makes us feel like anything is possible. Let’s cry when the grief needs to flow. Let’s dance when the prayer erupts into rhythmic visions. Let’s appreciate each other’s colors and textures of being that make this cosmic collage so diverse. Let’s slow down. Let’s abide in calm presence. As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi advises, let’s “do less and accomplish more.”

Let’s breathe deeply into our connection with our spiritual guides that help us navigate the ever-unfolding labyrinths of possibility. Let’s dare ourselves to trust the incomprehensible Love that has fashioned this whole existence. Let’s step up in our devotion to being part of the solution and know that we have a responsibility to LIVE; to awaken to the opportunities that are offering themselves to us in these times. Let’s not let fear stop us from going over our growth edges. Let’s let the love in. Let’s surrender to the journey. Let’s overcome our cosmic amnesia, feel the earth and sky beating in our hearts, wake up from our materialist slumber, compost our ego’s entrancements, and take our power back from the illusion of separation. Let’s bow to the one web of life, and honor our place as children of the cosmos, innocent yet purposeful. Let’s purify ourselves with sincerity, humility and dedication to serve. Let’s pioneer new pathways in love-based living. Let’s support each other in this quest of being we all share. As emissaries of the Calm Inside the Storm, let’s emanate our inner heart fire to the whole.

It is essential we focus
on cultivating
our internal harmony
so we can contribute
to generating harmony
in the world…

Jan 13, 2010 Haiti

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