Monday, May 30, 2011


5 Kinds of Hauntings That Might Interest You

By Mythbuster

Hauntings generally come in 5 established types: residual, intelligent, demonic, poltergeist and portal. Thought experts don't agree on all the details, it's important for you to know about these classifications in case you ever experience or witness paranormal happenings.

5 Kinds of Hauntings That Might Interest You

For centuries, people have believed in and both feared and respected the idea that we share our world
with ghosts and that there are haunted places in our world. Although science hasn’t been able to deal effectively with the physical aspects and explain these in relation to ghosts, other unexplained entities, and haunted physical places, there are a few strides science has made which help us try to pinpoint what is going on during paranormal or unexplained events. For instance, through science we can measure physical energies such as sound, magnet fields, heat, etc. Sometimes knowing levels of physical data that exist can help researchers rule out bad explanations – still, by these methods, we’re often left with just ‘no plausible explanation’ or explanations about what an event or thing is NOT, rather than what it is.
There are social and philosophical (including religions) sciences and principles which are used to study the paranormal, ghosts, hauntings and mythologies surrounding creatures and deities many believe inhabit our world alongside the human race. In many non-scientific disciplines, there is still a set of theories that exist, all packed up and utilized with scientific methodology and with these, some disciplines classify “haunting” into 5 broad category types:
  1. Residual Haunting
  2. Intelligent Haunting
  3. Demonic Haunting
  4. Poltergeist Haunting
  5. Portal Haunting
In residual haunting, the most common form of haunting, paranormal activity occurs because some event of magnificence or importance, usually violent or containing highly emotional reaction, has happened in the past. This usually turns out to be a death of a resident or frequent visitor to the location in question and often it has been a very violent (or tragic, such as with suicide) death. Regularly, paranormal experts explain the event is in or on some sort of “loop” whereby the event or impressions of the event occur over and over again, only not quite in the same way or with as much solidity and physical hold as when they happened originally. This effect is similar to when we rewind and replay an audio or videotape - we can hear or view a recording over and over again but the data is still not the original music/filming - it's a copy.These looping events in a haunting usually occur in buildings, particularly in residential homes. Although many residual hauntings happen in very old homes, the same can happen in relatively new homes, as well. It is believed that often, the spirits are not aware of this looping effect or have no control over it – the loop of events just repeats over and over and over.

Intelligent hauntings are considered the second most common of types of haunting, however, it is commonly accepted that beings (entities, ghosts, etc) involved in these types are aware of their surroundings and also manipulate their surroundings at least minimally. These are the hauntings you hear about or experience whereby ghosts interact with objects and even with living people. People experiencing hauntings of the intelligent type often report noises when they aren’t causing any noise, objects moving, sounds of voices, sounds of footsteps, lights and other electrical items turning on or off by themselves, and strange situations with lights coming from no apparent source, batteries draining, etc. It is believed that in an intelligent haunting, the entity involved creates movement, noise, etc., to be noticed.

Demonic hauntings are almost always one of the more frightening and emotionally draining sort of paranormal experiences but are actually recorded as being one of the common of hauntings. It might be that many people are so afraid from an experience of this sort that they don't wish to report it at all. An entity or force may have threatened them in such a way that they don't wish to engage with it further in any manner. Nor do they intend to draw more attention to it or draw other people/forces near to it - as might happen if they make an official report or call in a paranormal team. These things must be kept in mind when trying to calculate the actual number of paranormal happenings that occur each year - versus - how many incidents are actually and fully reported.
Demonic hauntings centre on and weaken or alter a person’s emotions and mental state. It is felt that demonic entities weaken their victims in order to possess them and take over at least some of their faculties. These beings have physical strength and in many cases, do physically assault those they are trying to affect or possess. One may or may not be able to physically see the entity responsible for an assault but the attack can be very serious and real nonetheless. Repulsive smells and scary noises are also signs that a haunting is of demonic nature, rather than of another type of haunting.

Hauntings considered as poltergeist activity are also one of the most dreaded of all types of haunting. Most poltergeist hauntings are believed to be caused by an angry entity or spirit. This anger may have no determined course (other than “to vent” and terrorize) and poltergeists are considered to be quite chaotic. Often, poltergeist hauntings attach to one person, though they can be attached very firmly to a location, too. The activity may include moving objects, slamming doors and cupboards, breaking of glass or glasses, and a variety of unusual noises. These surges of activity may happen only when a particular person is nearby that the poltergeist has attached to, depending on whether the haunting is generalized or specific to a certain person.

Portal haunting is generally considered a newer classification of haunting. Though many paranormal experts may believe in the other forms of haunting, not all believe in portal hauntings. Those that do believe these are a valid and specific form of haunting think these are from an entity moving about between dimensions or worlds via a door or portal opening someplace where dimensions or worlds meet. With portal hauntings there may be orbs, mists, lights, shadows and even creatures involved. Often, when the details of a haunting don’t fit closely with the features usually found in other classifications, the haunting is said to be a portal haunting.
Personally, I object to this stuffing of an unexplained haunting into a category that seems convenient when classification becomes difficult, but this is just my amateur opinion. It seems valid to me that we will learn to classify happenings better in the future or have to construct an additonal category for other unexplained events.

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