Friday, March 25, 2011


Passed Away/Gobal Prayer Synchronization For Him

on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 11:14pm

Beloved José Argüelles, the Father of the Natural Time Calendar Movement and Original 2012 Messenger, has left his physical body and departed this dimension, just 2 days ago (March 23 Australian time/March 22 USA time).

Dr. Argüelles was a one of a kind agent of our Ancient Future that devoted his life to leaving clues for global humanity to help us awaken to the depths of who we are in our Cosmic Nature, and the potential of who we can become as Stewards of our Precious Earth and Emissaries of a New Conscious Culture of Harmony. His ground-breaking books, calendar systems, and pioneering revelations are responsible for all of us around the world having access to the codes of Natural Time and the wisdom of the Living Prophecy.

Personally, I have had the honor of following and sharing his life-changing time science and codes of new paradigm culture, for the past 16 Years. José Argüelles is a True Visionary with a Heart of Stars that worked tirelessly on behalf of Humanity, attuned to the consciousness changes necessary to assure the well-being of Earth and Future Generations to Come... I consider him a Galactic Father, a Mentor, and an Ancient Friend of My Heart. While it is truly heartbreaking to lose his physical presence, I too know that this is a vast spiritual expansion for the Mission that he always stood for - the Positive Fulfillment of The Living Prophecy of 2012 and The Return To Natural Time.

In my grief, I too surrender. I know Death is not a failure, it is a natural transformation, and the Divine Architect calls each of us to meet that moment of Death, of Reunion with Source, when it is precisely our destiny. So I take Heart that his Soul has answered the Call, and that he will now be assisting us from the Other Side of the Veil, along with so many others who too have recently made this journey... I open my heart to our eternal connection, beyond the body, and bless our new way of bridging-worlds... To the unfolding Journey...


José's Apprentice, Stephanie South who was with him at his passing shared:

"Valum Votan/Jose Arguelles departed this Planet on Solar Moon 17 (March 23), Red Spectral Moon, at 6:10 a.m (the exact same time that he was born in 1939 in the Red Spectral Moon year). After a short illness, he slipped away in complete peace.

"The message that he wanted me to convey to kin is that everything is now the responsibility of the people who have heard the message. There is much work to be done. He said to tell all kin: "EVERYTHING IS PERFECT!!! Love everyone. Hate no one. God bless everyone." He will now be assisting the closing of the cycle from the other side of the veil...

"Perfect was my time of coming. Perfect was my mission. Perfect was the time of my going. Perfect is the discovery of my prophecy ." Telektonon 11.67

Friday March 25, Blue Cosmic Monkey, at NOON PDT
As Stephanie wrote: "Send him your prayers, light and blessings to continue his spirit journey and also visualize the rainbow bridge and the Return of Light."

Please find more details here:


For those of you who aren't familiar with José Argüelles or his accomplishments - he was a professor, author, researcher, visionary, artist, humanitarian and mystic who dedicated his life starting at age 14 to decoding the Mysteries of the Maya - their calendars, prophecies, cosmology and mathematics. There is a Quiche Mayan Prophecy that identifies him as 1 of 2 people who "Turned the Eyes of the World to the Maya." Based on his life-long studies and decoding, he delivered a universal application of the ancient Maya Mathematics known as The 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar that is now in use by people in 90 Countries around the World. He brought the life-changing awareness to our modern culture that "Time is not money. Time is Art." He dedicated his life to educating people around the world of how calendars are programs of culture and that we MUST make the distinction between "artificial time" and "natural time" in order that we can re-align with the Harmonies of Nature and Fulfill the Living Prophecy...

In my heart, I know that those of us around the planet who have been blessed to be in his lineage, and access the empowerment he has delivered to help transform and align humanity's consciousness with Nature - that we will dedicate ourselves to a whole new level of cooperation with one another in carrying out his legacy. I know that a new dimension of crystalline stability will emerge with our universal efforts to cohere our physical and telepathic network, opening us to a new level of synergy, flowering and actualization of our united hearts and hands!


Beloved José, Valum Votan, You will be so missed, and you will be so felt by all of us as we attune to the ONE HEART. We thank you, beyond words, for all that you have given us, personally and planetarily. We trust that our connection with the Wisdom that you stand for, and dedicated your life to, will continue to flower inside of us, as we each commit to showing up even more for our role in this huge moment, knowing we are needed by the One Web of Life to live our True Destiny.

We honor you, Jose * Standing we honor you * with candles bright with Buddha's clear mind we honor you * with stargazer flowers opening wide we honor you * with ancient crystals humming we honor you * with white stones from Palenque meditating we honor you * with spiraling shells from Lake Atitlan we honor you * with turtles, owls, globes, and roerich peace symbols we honor you * with fragrance of copal ascending we honor you * with pools of moonlit water resting we honor you * with obsidian staffs vigilant we honor you * with feathers of winged messengers bright we honor you * with the power of the 7 galactic directions we honor you * with the one sun blazing in our blood we honor you * with the Earth shaking we honor you * with the sky covered in rainbow bridges we honor you * with silence we honor you * with tears wet with loyalty and gratitude and grief like a crying cloud who lost a kin, we honor you * with the presence of your fierce brilliance like an Arcturian sword in our hands we honor you * with a banner of galactic culture raised around the one biosphere, we honor you * with codes of time engraved in our mind, we honor you * with the hug of our presence united in this family of awakening hearts - one time one earth one people - we honor you, forever...

Beloved José Argüelles
I will carry this torch
I have received from You
High and Bright...

Eden Sky, Red Self-Existing Skywalker


PS: Our upcoming 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar that we are currently working on for the 2011-2012 year will be dedicated to Jose/Valum Votan.

Here is a brief list of José Argüelles' accomplishments:
José Argüelles was the initiator of the Harmonic Convergence global peace meditation of 1987 and is the one who first introduced the date December 21, 2012 into mass consciousness with The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology. Argüelles is also the founder of the annual Whole Earth Festival (1970) in California, and one of the originators of the Earth Day concept.

Up until this moment Jose was director of the Noosphere II project of the Foundation's Galactic Research Institute, inclusive of the First Noosphere World Forum, a project that involves creating a dialogue that unifies a network of organizations working to promote a positive shift of consciousness by 2012 with the vision of the whole earth as a work of art.

Immediately following the 2012 Tipping Point: The Prophets Conference Cancun Jose Arguelles was honored with The Nicholas Roerich Medal, the highest award of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace, NonGovernmental Organization of the United Nations.


José Argüelles Dead: 2012 Prophet Ascended on Kin 89, Red Spectral Moon

March 25, 2011
During the March 24th Coast to Coast Show host George Noory announced José Argüelles had died after a ‘very short illness’. According to Argüelles’ Foundation of Law of Time website, Argüelles ascended on Kin 89, Red Spectral Moon (March 23). José Argüelles was 72.
Author of The Mayan Factor, Earth Ascending, Surfers of the Zuvuya, The Arcturus Probe and Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs, José Argüelles ‘pursued a lifelong investigation of the mathematics and prophecies associated with the Mayan calendar.’
For more info on Argüelles’ achievements, read Messenger of the Law of Time.
According to an email, ‘Valum Votan/Jose Arguelles departed this Planet on Solar Moon 17 (March 23), Red Spectral Moon, at 6:10 a.m (the exact same time that he was born in 1939 in the Red Spectral Moon year).’
From the Foundation of Law of Time website:

     Valum Votan José Arguelles Has Ascended
Valum Votan/José Arguelles, President of the Foundation for the Law of Time, ascended on Kin 89, Red Spectral Moon (March 23) in a state of complete peace.
Before he departed he said to his apprentice, Stephanie South/“Red Queen”, “I have done all that I could on this planet. I am being called to assist in the closing of the cycle from the Other Side.” Among his final wishes was that the Foundation for the Law of Time, the vehicle for his work and vision, be continued.
We at the Foundation for the Law of Time are absolutely, unequivocally dedicated to continuing his life vision and work on behalf of seven times seven generations to come, on behalf of the coming noosphere and beyond.
So join us in celebrating the life of a true visionary by holding a ceremony or vigil for him on March 25 (Solar Moon 19, Kin 91) at noon (Pacific Daylight Time). For the vigil we ask that you visualize the rainbow bridge, read the Noogenesis Vow and also a poem provided as a final farewell from his twin brother, Ivan Arguelles.
We send all our love for Valum Votan’s/Jose Arguelles journey back to the stars and Beyond …

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